How to Iron a Shirt Without an Ironing Board: 3 Alternatives

How to Iron a Shirt Without an Ironing Board

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It’s always better to have flat, crisp, and clean clothes. However, achieving this cannot be easy if you don’t have the necessary equipment. For clean outfits, you need to throw your garments into the washing machine and press start. Then, it would help if you iron them to make your clothes wrinkle-free.

But what if you don’t have an ironing board? Is it still possible to iron clothes properly without it? The answer is a definite yes! There are many other ways to get your shirts crisp and crease-free without a specially designed board. Check out several tips below on how to iron a shirt without an ironing board.

Ironing Your Clothes

The best-known way to have wrinkle-free clothes is to iron your clothes. Ironing clothes consists of a process that has been used for many years. The traditional way to iron your clothes is by using a hot press and ironing board to make clothes soft and smooth.

What Is an Ironing Board?

An ironing board is a piece of equipment that is traditionally used in the process of ironing. Sarah Boone improved it to make it more effective in ironing the bodies and sleeves of ladies’ garments. An ironing board consists of a firm surface that can fold and unfold. Sometimes, an ironing board has legs that can be adjusted in height.

You can also find over-the-door ironing boards, which can remain hidden when not in use. In this situation, the ironing board can be pulled out and down to form a flat surface like a table. Over-the-door ironing boards will keep a room a more organized look as they are tucked away when not used. However, they are not as flexible as stand-alone ironing boards because you can only iron in one place.

An ironing board can be made out of wood, metal, or another heat-resistant, non-flammable material. Some ironing boards have a cotton surface so that you can iron directly on top of it without needing to add any heat-resistant material underneath. From there, you lay your clothing on top of this counter and iron it as needed.

If your ironing board is made from wood, you need to cover it with a special material to avoid damaging your ironing board or, worse, an accidental fire.

Many people don’t know this, but ironing boards are also a special shape to assist in the ironing of certain clothing items. For example, you can use the head of the board to pull your shirts taut and help make them crisp and smooth.

When you are finished ironing your clothing, you can fold up the legs of your ironing board and put it away.

What if You Don’t Have an Ironing Board?

Sadly, as much as you need to iron, more and more people don’t have access to an ironing board. Nowadays, many people consider it not essential to have one. This is mainly because people nowadays are becoming busier and busier. An active lifestyle takes time away from people not having time to iron their clothing. Everyone wants to have a nice, ironed shirt, but no one has the time for ironing.

Adding on, many people are living in bigger cities but with smaller houses. A small house could mean less space to have an ironing board. As this is a common issue, many alternatives have been created so that you can iron without an ironing board.

Alternatives for an Ironing Board

Ironing boards have been a diverse invention from their initial creation. This is why there are many alternatives to an ironing board. These alternatives are great as they don’t take up much space in your house or use an area you already have. The surface must be flat and relatively smooth to get the best results. Here are some ways that allow you to do your ironing without an ironing board.


A counter is an excellent solution if you don’t have an ironing board. A counter can be in your kitchen, living room, bedroom, and more. Counters or tables with wooden surfaces make the best choice. Check if you have a lino or plastic covering on your countertop, as these can melt under the heat of the iron. If there is, you will need to use a towel or a sheet to protect them.


Do you know what a great, thick, flat surface that everyone has in their home is? Your floor! Floors are surfaces that you can use to iron your clothing as long as you don’t mind being bent down. If you choose to use your floors, make sure that you have a thick blanket or a thick towel to cover your floors to protect them. This is especially true for any wooden or plastic surface.

Bed or Sofa

Ironed clothes in bed

If you don’t want to sit on the floor and don’t have enough counter space, you can use your bed or a sofa. Be sure not to press too hard and maintain even pressure, as it can damage both your clothes and your mattress.

Protect Your Surfaces

Whether you are using your floor, a countertop, or your kitchen table, you must protect those surfaces from the heat. Irons can get very hot, and if you are not careful, you could melt any plastic or leave scorch marks on the wood. These can be costly errors to fix.

A mat, specifically an ironing blanket, is an excellent solution if you are without an ironing board. Also, you can use a thick towel or a normal blanket too. As long as the surface of the fabric that you are using is resistant to heat, then you can rest knowing that you can iron your laundry safely.

Wait! What if You Don’t Have an Iron?

Although it’s more common for people not to have an ironing board, some people also don’t have an iron. However, it is possible to get clean, crisp clothes without either of these typical ironing essentials. Here is how to iron your clothes without an iron.

Clothes Steamer

A clothes steamer is one of many great ironing alternatives. A steamer works by applying steam to fabric, like a shirt, to rid it of creases. The steam uses heat to erase creases because heat causes the fabric surface to rest, preventing wrinkles.

Dryer Settings

If you own a tumble dryer, you can opt for the “close-ready” setting to ensure your clothes come out crease-free and ready for use. Always try and remove your clothes from the dryer as soon as the cycle is finished. Leaving them in there could cause them to crease even more. For the same reason, try to hang the clothes up or fold and put them away without delay so they don’t sit in the laundry basket becoming creased, either.

Hang It Up

Note you can also hang your articles to prevent wrinkles from forming. However, it must be noted that if you choose to hang your clothes, you should do it when it is dry, not damp.

Another handy trick is you can try hanging your clothes in your bathroom when you shower so that the steam and the heat can help reduce wrinkles. This won’t work for your whole wardrobe but could help if you have a particular outfit that you need wrinkle-free.


If none of the other options works for you and you own some hair straighteners, then why not use a lower heat setting to pull out some of the easy-to-reach creases? Of course, you can also use your hairdryer to warm up your clothes and force out wrinkles that way, too!

No Ironing Board? No Problem!

There are many ways to iron a shirt without an ironing board and how to iron without an iron, too! Being resourceful is the key to ironing your clothes properly. You can use your bed, floor, table, and other flat surfaces in your home! While it’s still preferable that you use an ironing board, it is still possible to have wrinkle-free clothes without it.

Now, you will never have to go out in public with an outfit that is not pressed and crease-free. Follow our easy tips on how to iron a shirt without an ironing board to ensure your wardrobe looks its best, and so do you!

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