Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines of 2023

Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines

Last Updated on February 28, 2022

Our editors independently research the best products online to produce this list. We may receive commission on purchases made from the links below but this will never affect our product choices.

Top 10 Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines

  1. De’Longhi Magnifica (Editor’s Choice)
  2. Miele CM6150 Bean to Cup Machine (Luxury Choice)
  3. Smarter Coffee – WiFi Bean to Cup (Best Value)
  4. Sage SES878BSS Barista Pro (Best with Milk Wand)
  5. De’Longhi Autentica (Best Fully Automatic)
  6. Melitta F85 Barista TS Smart (Best Touch Screen)
  7. Melitta Avanza Series 600 (Best Small)
  8. De’Longhi Magnifica S (Best under £500)
  9. Melitta CI Touch (Best for the Office)
  10. Beko CEG5311X Bean to Cup Coffee Machine

Want to bring your favourite coffee shop into your own home? The best bean to cup coffee machine can make that a reality for you. Now you can get the perfect cup without leaving the comfort of your home, or have it made in your favourite flask and ready for your daily commute without having to part with the money every day that you have been used to spend! Bean to cup coffee machines are some of the most expensive ones on the market, but the cups they make are an absolute joy, and the machines can often pay for themselves once you start replacing your daily purchase for a homemade one!

A bean to cup coffee machine aims to provide the freshest cup of coffee possible, and the magic happens as the coffee is ground, right there and then, at the selection of every drink. The coffee machine offers fresh coffee full of the flavour of the ground bean you have selected.

Having watched a barista making your coffee in your favourite coffee shop, you may be forgiven for thinking that they have gone through training to achieve the cup of coffee they deliver, and you could never match it. But good bean to cup machines should enable you to have the same results at home but without any stress or effort in the process.

There are many variants available, some of which market themselves on their simplicity and one-touch functions. Others are proud of the number of options and control they offer you in achieving your perfect cup of coffee.

You also get a large variety in size, shape, and appearance of the machine, but they will always be a very stylish accessory to your kitchen or office. All you need to do is choose the one for you. For example, do you want stainless steel or sleek black with manual controls or a touch screen?

If you have been using a coffee pod machine or putting up with cups of instant coffee until now, maybe it is time to take your coffee experience to a new level.

Imagine waking up to a hot, freshly brewed pot of coffee from fresh coffee beans, or coming home after a day in the office or a dog walk out in the rain and opening your front door to the aroma of a coffee shop! There are many smart options now for coffee machines, meaning that all of this is possible from an app on your smartphone!

Coffee machines are now so clever that companies will need to move on to inventing a flour to the muffin machine so that people can complete that authentic coffee shop experience from the comfort of their own home!

Take a perusal through our top ten best bean to cup coffee machines and imagine how great it will be when you can read an article with a steaming cup of freshly ground coffee in your hand when you’ve found that perfect purchase!

How We Compared Bean to Cup Coffee Machines

bean to cup coffee machines collage

To find the right bean to cup coffee machines we considered multiple factors including:

  • Looks
  • Practicalities
  • Features
  • Flexibility
  • Ease of use
  • Smart technology
  • Barista style features

Our team independently examined and compared hundreds of products to help satisfy different needs. We spent our time researching bean to cup coffee machines and consulting customer reviews to ultimately bring you what, in our opinion, are the best options on the market right now.

To find out more about our editorial process, take a look here.

Bean to Cup Coffee Machine Reviews

De’Longhi Magnifica (Editor’s Choice)

The De’Longhi Magnifica Coffee Maker has it all in our view, and that is why we have made it our Editor’s Choice.

It comes in a silver finish, is petite and elegant, and has button touch controls. It has a great water volume capacity at 1.8 litres, meaning you won’t need to refill all the time to achieve your coffee shop hit in the comfort of your own home. You should get an average of five drinks from the water tank before you need to refill.

It has two pre-programmed settings for espresso and the option to make any variety of your favourite drinks manually. It also has a milk frother to warm up your milk or create a thick and velvety foam for your cappuccino. So you can be your very own barista!

The De’Longhi Magnifica Coffee Maker includes an integrated coffee burr grinder which you can set to any one of seven adjustable settings for the perfect coarseness of blend. The beans are ground each time you select your drink, ensuring the freshest, full of flavour, cup of coffee.

You can also use pre-ground coffee in this machine if you prefer the taste of a particular brand or if one person in the household drinks decaffeinated coffee and the other likes it full fat!

The machine is designed well and comes with all the features you’d expect from a quality coffee maker. You can select the length and strength of your cup, two drinks can be made at the same time, or if you like a large coffee, you can make just one.

The tray and grounds container are dishwasher safe, making it easy to keep clean and in great condition, and the machine has an automatic cleaning and descaling cycle.

One thing we love is that the machine makes round tablets of used coffee, making them easy to dispose of or put out into the garden even.

This can be loud when grinding beans, but it still deserves the accolade of the best home bean to cup coffee machine!


  • Seven coarseness settings
  • Integrated burr grinder 
  • Milk frother
  • Can use ground coffee as well as beans
  • Can make two cups of coffee at a time


  • The two cup option may not work for ground coffee
  • It may be noisy when in use
  • The milk frother may fail sometimes

Miele CM6150 Bean to Cup Machine (Luxury Choice)

The Miele CM6150 Bean to Cup Machine not only makes great quality coffee, but it looks fantastic as well, sleek and contemporary in a black finish.

The modern and stylish design is sure to catch the eye of any visitor to your kitchen! But beyond its looks, wow, this is a clever machine! You can create a profile for each member of your household and prepare their favourite drink at the touch of a button.

You can also prepare two cups of coffee with this coffee machine, again at the touch of a single button. It also has an integrated milk frother, taking the hassle out of doing it yourself. The machine will also perform a rinse cycle after making a milky drink.

You can use ground coffee as well as coffee beans in this bean to cup machine, so you have the flexibility that that brings if you have two different tastes in the household or someone would like decaffeinated.

A slight downside is that it doesn’t come with a milk container, you have to buy one separately, and you could be forgiven for thinking it should be included in the price.


  • Sleek and stylish design
  • Automated functions
  • Easy cleaning and maintenance
  • Can make two cups at the same time
  • Integrated milk frother


  • You may hold a separate container for the milk tube to go into
  • Milk may be cool in a latte, not being heated as well as for a smaller amount in a cappuccino
  • Sometimes, you may need to press the on/off button harder for it to work

Smarter Coffee – WiFi Bean to Cup (Best Value)

The standout feature of this best value bean to cup coffee machine is that it includes a Smarter app, meaning that you can set it to brew coffee from anywhere!

In addition, you can set a ‘wake up’ mode for a freshly brewed pot of coffee to be ready for you in the morning, and if you fancy just an extra few minutes in bed, well, then the heated pads will keep it warm for you for up to 40 minutes!

It also has a ‘home’ mode so you can come back to your house to the aromatic and inviting smell of a fresh pot of perfect coffee – what could be better than that?

The app also allows you to personalise your favourite coffee strength, the number of cups to brew and the choice of whether to use freshly ground or filter coffee.

Another nifty trick it has up its sleeve is to integrate with other smart home devices such as Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home, and apparently, there will be more connectivity to follow. The app can detect the water levels and how many cups of coffee can be made before it needs refilling, and it can also order your favourite fresh beans when you run low.

However, if a techy coffee machine is not for you, never fear, as this machine can also be controlled manually using the front LCD panel.

The Smarter Coffee WiFi Bean to Cup machine has a 1.5-litre capacity water tank and a burr grinder for that wonderful fresh coffee. This coffee machine gives you a lot of functionality for a cheaper end product!


  • Smarter app for timed coffee brews
  • Integration of app to other smart home appliances
  • Timed warming plates
  • Easy cleaning and maintenance
  • The app can tell you when to refill water and order new coffee beans


  • It may be difficult to clean the grinder mechanism and the grinder breaking
  • Carafe may break easily

Sage SES878BSS Barista Pro (Best with Milk Wand)

Want to feel like a barista in your own home? Well, the Sage SES878BSS Barista Pro has you covered!

The coffee machine is made for those who want to be hands-on with their bean to cup coffee machines, and it does that well.

The LCD provides an intuitive experience, with visual aids updating on the grinding and extracting process. It also includes a dose control function to ensure that exactly the right amount of beans are ground to make the perfect rich and intensely flavoured coffee. In addition, an integrated conical burr grinder allows you to control both the grind coarseness and the dose of coffee.

You also won’t be kept waiting with this bean to cup machine; you will feel like you are experiencing barista express when the ThermoJet heating system heats to the perfect temperature to deliver your double espresso within just three seconds.

The steam wand is designed to froth milk foam to the level required for a perfect velvety latte, using milk texturing technology. If you like milky drinks, then this is a great option for you. It comes with a milk jug that can be used for manual milk frothing, allowing you to produce a great coffee with all the control at your fingertips.

There is plenty to learn about this machine, and if you are someone who loves the ritual of freshly ground coffee made to your own specification, then this is a great home coffee machine.

If, however, you want a coffee at the press of a button, with as little intervention as possible, then you may want to look for a fully automated coffee machine – this one is for hands-on coffee lovers!


  • The steam wand makes velvety milk
  • 30 grinding options
  • Large two-litre capacity
  • Two-year product warranty
  • Clever temperature control for the perfect coffee


  • Water filters to fit the machine may be expensive and may not be easily bought
  • There may be some issues with the pressure gauge
  • There might be blockage with the grinder and high pitch noise coming from it sometimes

De’Longhi Autentica (Best Fully Automatic)

The De’Longhi Autentica is a straight business, fully automatic coffee machine. With a simple touch of a button, this coffee machine brings bean to cup tasty coffee to your kitchen.

If you are someone who needs a coffee in a hurry in the morning before the daily commute, or you believe the art of coffee making is best left to the professionals, then making your favourite espresso or cappuccino from freshly ground coffee has never been so easy thanks to the De’Longhi Autentica easy-to-use touch panel.

Being easy to use does not mean that you do not get some great features with this machine; you can adjust the extraction temperature of the water to between 88-96° for how hot you like your coffee.

It also has a cup warmer, which comes on when the machine is switched on! And there are programmable settings for automatic switch on and warm up, your favourite drink, and how long the machine remains on before switching off!

The ‘Lattecrema’ system can produce frothed or steamed milk, depending on your preference. To ensure that the milk is kept at a suitable temperature in the integrated milk carafe, it is double insulated to keep the milk cool whilst not in the fridge. The machine also comes with a great automatic cleaning system that uses hot water and steam to clean any part that has come into contact with milk.

The slim and stylish design of the bean to cup machine makes it suit any kitchen with ease, and you won’t need to find a large worktop space to place it.

Please note that the water tank is 1.4 litres in this coffee machine, smaller than some others in this review, and at the back of the machine, so consider where you would be placing it in your kitchen. But it is a compact machine, and the capacity mirrors its overall size.


  • Self-cleaning function
  • Pre-programmed drink options
  • Integrated milk steam or frother
  • Cup warmer
  • Hot water option available


  • A high level of water may be used in self-clean function
  • The water tank is at the back of the machine, and so you may need clearance to access it

Melitta F85 Barista TS Smart (Best Touch Screen)

The Melitta F85 Barista TS Smart is a smart bean to cup coffee machine.

It can remember the preferences of up to eight different people so you can keep all of your close friends and family happy by making them their individualised coffee each time! You can even set this machine to programme your favourite coffee from the comfort of your smartphone using the Melitta Connect app!

It also has 21 already programmed coffee varieties and has five adjustable intensity settings. Even easier than that, there are four touches of button options for cappuccino, latte, macchiato, and espresso cafe creme. And if you like to be a bit more hands-on with your coffee making, you can manually adjust the strength and amount of coffee.

The Melitta F85 Barista TS Smart also splits the coffee bean compartment into two sections. This is great for a household where people like different beans and blends. You can also select which ones get used first. The Melitta coffee machine range has a ‘whisper quiet’ grinder, so you need not wake the whole household when you make that first cup of coffee in the morning!

Additionally, there is a two-cup mode, and you can adjust the height of the spout to allow for different size mugs, espresso shot glasses, or tall glasses – whatever your favourite coffee is.

It is easy to clean the interior as the brewing unit is removable and dishwasher safe, and the machine has an automatic cleaning and descaling feature.


  • 21 pre-set coffee options
  • Two cup mode
  • Eight different people profiles
  • Hot water option available
  • 1.8-litre water tank


  • Milk may not be hot on a large milky coffee
  • Cleaning cycles may use a lot of water from the tank
  • Tall latte glass may not fit

Melitta Avanza Series 600 (Best Small)

The Melitta Avanza Series 600 comes in as our best small bean to cup coffee machine! It is only 20cm wide and is slim enough to fit in the tightest of spaces.

Like many coffee machines in this review, the Melitta Avanza has five different grinder settings so you can select to your taste how the coffee is going to be ground and your coffee strength. That’s not all though, the machine keeps your preferences for water hardness, size, and strength of the coffee, at the touch of a button!

The drip tray is made from stainless steel and won’t scratch or mark over time with use. The coffee machine also has a double cup mode, and you can adjust the height of the spout for any size mug or glass. Like the Melitta product above, this machine also has the ‘whisper quiet’ grinder, so it should not be noisy when preparing your coffee.

For a small machine, this one can do a lot. There is an auto-cappuccinatore, which provides hot water, will warm milk through or froth milk to your favourite texture, and then all you need do is add a shot or two of coffee, and you’re done.

There is also an auto-off feature and a stainless steel drip tray that is scratch-resistant. Melitta has also developed an ‘aroma extraction system’ which moistens the coffee grains before making the cup of coffee to ensure maximum flavour.

This coffee machine has a 1.5-litre water tank, which is not bad given its petite size, but it does keep this in mind when reviewing this product; if you drink a lot of coffee, you may need a machine with a bigger one capacity.


  • Small and compact
  • Five grinder settings
  • Quiet grinder
  • Two cup mode
  • Automatic milk warmer/frother


  • Milk may not be hot on a large milky coffee
  • Milk frother may come loose, and spray milk

De’Longhi Magnifica S (Best under £500)

The De’Longhi Magnifica S is the latest in the De’Longhi Magnifica series, and it comes with some awesome features, winning our title of the best bean to cup coffee machine under £500.

The machine takes a lot from Autentica, which is the more expensive model. You can make the perfect cappuccino as the milk frother combines air, steam, and milk to make a delicious frothy foam just like from your favourite coffee shop! You can adjust the foam level, and the milk carafe will self-clean after use.

The display on the coffee machine is easy to read and comes with great customisable settings, including for the strength and aroma of your coffee. It also comes with six pre-set coffee drinks, so all you need to do is press a button, and you’re off. You can also make two cups at the same time and choose between making double and single espressos.

The coffee machine also includes a heating system to ensure that every cup of coffee is delivered at exactly the right temperature. With the 1.8-litre removable water tank and a bean container that can carry 250 g of whole coffee beans, you won’t find yourself refilling all the time, leaving you free to enjoy the coffee it produces with none of the hassles.

This machine doesn’t have an option for pre-ground coffee, so if having two different blends or decaf and caffeinated at the same is an important consideration for you, then this may not be the machine for you.


  • 13 different drink settings
  • Can grind fresh beans or use ground coffee
  • Two cup option
  • 1.8-litre water tank
  • Hot water option


  • It may not fit a tall latte glass under the spout
  • Milk might not be hot enough
  • The strength of the coffee may not be strong enough in some reviews

Melitta CI Touch (Best for the Office)

Need a simple and straightforward bean to cup coffee machine? The Melitta CI Touch might be for you. 

A one-touch knob on the machine allows for ten coffee recipes to be selected and made, including a latte macchiato, espresso, cappuccino and lungo. There is a double bean container so that two different blends can be used, or perfect for if you want to offer a decaffeinated coffee and a full-strength option. The container is double-lined to prevent contamination of aroma or flavour.

This clever machine can store the coffee preferences of up to four people using the ‘my coffee memory’ feature. The height of the spout can be moved up and down to adjust for different size cups and glasses, and it can pour two coffees simultaneously. In addition, there are four strength options, three temperatures for your perfect tasting coffee.

This machine will pre-soak the beans to extract as much aroma and delicious flavour from the coffee. It also has automatic cleaning and descaling runs, keeping it operating at its best for longer.

Another of this bean to cup coffee machine’s plus points is that it has a ‘Barista T Smart®’ grinder, which means that it is incredibly quiet when grinding the coffee beans. No more worrying if you will wake the rest of the household if you are the first to rise!


  • Beautiful and stylish design
  • Can save up to four people’s coffee preferences
  • Two bean compartments
  • Can make two coffees at once
  • 1.8-litre water tank


  • Milk may not be hot on a large milky coffee
  • There may be a lot of plastic in the build for the price
  • The temperature of the coffee could be hotter

Beko CEG5311X Bean to Cup Coffee Machine

The Beko CEG5311 coffee machine is minimalist in design; unlike others in this review, its controls are on top of the machine, keeping the front clean and simple in its design.

It has a modern LCD touch screen control panel to select a single or double espresso at the touch of a button. It also has a steam wand so you can feel like a barista in your own home, creating flat whites, cappuccinos, or lattes at your leisure! You can adjust the milk frother to achieve the consistency of milky foam for your perfect coffee.

This coffee machine operates at 19 bars of pressure and has a pre-brewing system, meaning you get a deep aroma and tastier coffee as the oils from the fresh coffee beans are imparted into your drink. It also means that you get a quick and creamy espresso that has a wonderful intense flavour.

The 1.5-litre water tank is at the back of the machine and is fully removable. The bean to cup machine also has cleaning and descaling programmes which can be run regularly to keep your machine operating at its best for longer. It has seven grind settings so you can select the coarseness of your coffee grounds.

This isn’t a coffee machine that has many settings in terms of temperature, strength, size, etc., so if you were looking for one where you have all of those options, it might not be the one for you, but it is straightforward to use and good at what it does.


  • Very easy to use
  • Creates a delicious crema on an espresso
  • Hot water function
  • Sleek minimalist design
  • Easy to clean


  • May not have an option for ground coffee
  • May not come with a milk jug

Things to Consider Before Investing in a Bean to Cup Coffee Machine

These machines are a wonderful addition to your home. They can revolutionise the way you enjoy a cup of coffee – but they are costly to purchase upfront – and so it is important to think about everything that you would like a machine to do or not do before you make that all-important purchase.

For many, this can be a bit of a bucket list purchase, and so, just like if you were buying any other expensive item, it’s good to read the reviews and ask yourself a few questions before you make that leap.

We’ve tried to list out below some considerations that may make your wish list a bit clearer because some of these machines can now do some pretty smart stuff that you not even have considered!


As with most products, there are many options to choose from here.

Some machines are very much designed around clean lines, smooth front panels, and very little cluttering up the front of the machine. They achieve this by having a touch panel on top of the device and not on display at the front.

Others display the tools of the trade proudly on view, so you have buttons, nobs, display panels, milk frothers, everything that you would expect to see when you walk into a coffee shop and order a coffee.

There are different finishes to consider too. Stainless steel is a great, timeless option and fits into many different kitchen schemes. But it can scratch or dint or have watermarks left on it. Plastic finishes in black or white are modern and sleek but can have fingerprints left on them. So this is also something to think through carefully.


There are some practical things to consider when purchasing a machine. Many have the removable water tank at the side of the machine, but some have it at its back. So it is important just to consider where in your kitchen this new purchase will be taking pride in place.

Is it below a set of wall cupboards, and will you have enough access room to remove the tank or lift the lid on the bean container to refill without having to pull the machine forward?

If you like milky coffee, some coffee machines have an integrated milk carafe. Is this important to you, or are you happy to use a jug and a milk frother on the machine? And if it does have a milk container, will it fit in the fridge to keep the milk cool for when it is not in use, or are you happy to fill it as required?

Some of the machines in this review mention that the parts are removable and are dishwasher safe – this may be a great time saver if you do not want to wash the drip tray and coffee grind container manually.

Who Drinks What in Your Household?

There are more options here than you may have first thought.

Some of the coffee machines in our review will hold one type of coffee bean, and that is all. And that might be perfect for you if your household agrees on a preferred blend or you have the luxury of the coffee machine all to yourself.

However, others give you the option to have whole beans and use pre-ground coffee as well. And then, there is a third option where some coffee machines have a dual-chamber where two different whole beans can be held completely separate from each other, and you can select from them with a click of a button.

Imagine if you like to drink a medium-strength blend throughout the day, but you are partial to an intense flavour and strength after dinner. Or if you conclude that you have consumed too much caffeine and want to have the option to also drink decaffeinated as well. Well, now there are coffee machines that can deliver you just that!


There are many different things on offer to talk about here, as so many of the best bean to cup coffee machines reviewed can do so much more than just produce coffee. We have tried to break them down a bit further:

Ease of Use

There are coffee machines that can store profiles of people’s drink preferences, so you can please friends and family and save time in the process by creating those drinks, saving them, and then serving them up with just a click of a button!

Many machines have a one-click selection of pre-set drinks so that you can choose an Americano, espresso or latte with no more hassle than that. If you pick the right machine, it will also have the option to make two cups of coffee at the same time, meaning that you always get to sit down to enjoy your drink at the same time as your other half or friend or family member.


As mentioned in the previous section, a clever feature of some of the best bean to cup units is the ability to hold two different whole beans or whole beans and filter coffee so that you can choose what you want when you want—no more being defined to a single blend all of the time!

Smart Technology

Due to the advancement of smart technology, it’s only to be expected that some companies are developing smart apps for their espresso machines. These can give you the option to define preferences for your favourite cup of coffee via the app, set alarms for wake-up mode, select whole beans or pre-ground coffee and integrate with Amazon Alexa or Google Home.

An inside look at a cafe

Hands-on or Hands-off?

We’ve tried to represent coffee machines from across the spectrum of hands-on or hands-off when it comes to making your cup of coffee at home.

Is time at a premium in your household, and you really just want a great-tasting coffee straight to your hand without having to participate in the making of it? Or do you love a gadget and are a coffee connoisseur and want to bring those two things together. Well, we have machines for whichever sounds most like you and any in between too.

Some machines have timers that will deliver a pot of bean to cup coffee for when you wake up in the morning, ready and keeping warm for you on heated plates for when you wake up. Others have modern LCD panels and simply require a press of a single button, and there is your favourite coffee in a matter of moments.

Then there are machines where you have control over virtually every aspect of your drink, from temperature to size, strength to milk’s texture. You can experiment to your heart’s content to find the perfect brew.

Barista Style Features

Then finally, there are the kind of features you will be looking for if you long to be your own personal barista; does the machine have a steam wand, so you can do your milk texturing, frothing milk to the perfect velvety consistency? 

Can you also produce hot water so that you could also make tea for the non-coffee drinker without having to boil a kettle as well, or create the perfect americano with extra water added to your espresso shot?

Is having a warming plate to heat your coffee cup whilst brewing important to you?

Do you want the ability to adjust the temperature, grind coarseness, select cup size?

Then there are coffee machines in our review that are perfect and have all of these features for you!


Hopefully, this review has been helpful in providing insight into the product specifications on offer for the best bean to cup machines on the market and providing information and guidance on what to look for to buy the right model.

Our aim is that you’ll have been able to find a machine that makes wonderful bean to cup coffee that ticks all the right boxes for you. However, if you’re still struggling to choose the right one for your needs, you can try our Editor’s Choice from the best bean to cup coffee machines – the De’Longhi Magnifica Coffee Maker. It comes equipped with seven coarseness settings, an integrated burr grinder, and a milk frother. It also gives you the flexibility to use ground coffee as well as beans, and you can make two cups of coffee simultaneously.

It is a great all-rounder machine and will keep you out of coffee shops for a while after purchase!

Enjoy your bean to cup coffee!

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